You can select the variable for which you want to see correlation with maternal mortality rate, from the dropdown menu.
If p-value for a variable is less than 0.05, then that variable has significant correlation with MMR.
Factors with a significant correlation with MMR
- Mothers with less than 4 ANC visits (+ve correlation)
- CHO working per 1000 population (-ve correlation)
- Percentage of Households with no sanitation facility (+ve correlation)
- Percentage of Households with inadequate housing material (+ve correlation)
- Received Health Insurance (-ve correlation)
- Pregnant Anaemic women aged 15-49 (+ve correlation)
- Adults with low BMI and Children who are stunted or underweight (+ve correlation)
- Households without a member who completed 6 years of schooling (+ve correlation)
- MPI (+ve correlation)
Relevant factors without significant correlation
- Iron folic acid (mothers)
- Households with no electricity