You can select the variable for which you want to see correlation with infant mortality rate, from the dropdown menu.
If p-value for a variable is less than 0.05, then that variable has significant correlation with IMR.
It is found that the following factors have significant correlation with IMR
Factors with a significant correlation
- Mothers who didn’t have atleast 4 Antenatal Care Visits (%) (+ve correlation)
- Kutchha Houses (%) (+ve correlation)
- Households with no electricity (%) (+ve correlation)
- Households using solid fuel (%) (+ve correlation)
- Mothers who did not consume iron folic acid for 180 days while pregnant (%) (+ve correlation)
- Anaemic women aged 15-49 (%) (+ve correlation)
- Children aged 6 to 59 months who are stunted or underweight (%) (+ve correlation)
- Households without a member who completed 6 years of schooling (%) (+ve correlation)
- Children aged 9-35 months who did not receive Vitamin A dose (%) (+ve correlation)
Relevant Factors without a significant correlation
- Households with no sanitation facilities (%)
- Children who should be breastfed within 1 hour of Birth
- Received health insurance (%)
- Children Low birth weight (%)
- Per capita income (at constant prices)
- Number of Asha Workers per 1000 population
- Number of Chief Health Officers per 1000 population
- Households which do not own more than one asset (radio, TV, telephone, computer, animal cart, bicycle, motocycle etc) (%)
- Gap in number of PHC
- Gap in number of CHC
- Children who did not receive postnatal care from a doctor/nurse/LHV/ANM/mid wife/other health personnel within 2 days of delivery
- Women aged 15-49 years whose body mass index (BMI) is below normal (BMI <18.5 Kg/meter squared)
- Women aged 20-24 married under 18
- Households with no safe drinking water (%)
- Prevalence of Diarrhoea under 5 years of age (%)
- Children aged 6-23 months who should receive adequate diet
- Multidimensional Poverty Index
- Gap in number of PHC Doctor
- Gap in number of CHC Doctor
- Births to be attended by skilled health personnel